Iron(Fe) Serum
Iron(Fe) Serum 300 450

Patient Preparation: No specific preparation is required for Iron(Fe) Serum test.

Report Availability
10 Hrs
Sample Type
Not Required
  • Certified Labs
  • Blood Collection at Home
  • Smart Report with Trend Analysis

Your tests will be conducted in one of our partner labs to ensure highest accuracy of your reports.


What is an Serum iron(Fe) test?

Serum iron is used in the assessment of conditions related to the production and destruction of red blood cells, as well as metabolism and transport of iron.

More information

Iron (Fe) is an inorganic ion, mainly found in hemoglobin and acts as a carrier of oxygen from the lungs to tissues and indirectly participates in the return of carbon dioxide to the lungs.

Although the primary source of iron in the body is food, only a small portion of the iron in the food can and is absorbed. Iron is stored in the liver and in the reticuloendothelial system in the

form of ferritin and hemosiderin and is released when needed to meet the body's requirements. Although iron levels are assumed to be higher in the morning due to daily fluctuations,

studies have shown that limiting morning sampling does not improve the reliability of the test results.

Toxicity can occur with an iron intake in excess of 20 mg / kg body weight.

Possible Interpretations of Pathological Values

  • Increase: Acute hepatitis, aplastic anemia, blood transfusions, hemochromatosis, hemolytic anemia, hepatitis, lead poisoning, nephritis, pernicious anemia, multicellularemia, ferroblastic anemia, thalassemia6, thalassemia. Medications: Alcohol (wine, ethanol), cefotaxime, chloramphenicol, estrogen, iron sulfate, methimazole, methotrexate
  • Decrease: Blood loss, burns, cancer, gastrectomy, infection, iron deficiency anemia, kwashiorkor, malabsorption, nephrosis, post-operative conditions, pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis, schizophrenia (chronic),Tetralogy of Fallot, uremia. Medications: Metformin, Allopurinol, Aspirin, Cholestyramine, Corticotropin, Pergolide, Progestagens, Risperidone, Testosterone




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